학회소식         공지사항

Meta-conversation on Environmental Policy: For another 30 years journey of the KEPAS

한국환경정책학회 회원분들께, 

환경정책 편집국입니다.
지난 2023년 한국환경정책학회가 30주년을 맞이하였습니다.
한국환경정책학회와 환경정책은 국토 환경 및 환경관리체계, 정책과 관련된 다양한 문제를 다룬 학술적 접근을 통해 환경정책과 지속가능한 환경 체계 구축의 학문적 발전에 기여해왔습니다.
2024년 영문 특별호는 앞으로의 30년으로 나아가기 위한 첫 걸음으로써 환경정책, 환경계획, 환경경제, 기후변화, 자연 및 도시 환경 등 우리나라의 지속가능성과 환경정책학회의 30년 초석을 다지고자 합니다.

이번 특별호는 주제를 제한하지 않고 환경과 관련된 정책, 문헌 검토 기반의 연구(정책 및 연구 문헌 리뷰, 메타 분석, 환경정책에 실린 논문 대상 리뷰 연구)를 대상으로 하며, 국내 연구자분들의 풍부한 경험과 지식을 공유하는 지식 교류의 장이 되길 바랍니다.

구체적인 영문 특별호의 Call For Paper 와 약식 신청서를 첨부하오니 참고부탁드립니다.

신청서 제출 기간 : 2024. 8. 30(금).
논문 제출 기간 : 2024. 10. 31(목).

관련하여 문의 사항이 있으실 경우, 아래 이메일로 편히 연락부탁드립니다.

환경정책 편집국: kepas@naver.com


Call for Papers


Journal of Environmental Policy and Administration Special Issue

“Meta-conversation on Environmental Policy: For another 30 years journey of the KEPAS”

환경정책 메타담화: 학회 미래 30년을 향한 여정


Aims and Scopes


The Korea Environmental Policy and Administration Society celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023. This journal has contributed to the academic development of environmental policy, as well as the establishment of sustainable environmental policies and management systems. The special issue 2024 aims to establish a solid foundation for the next 30 years by reinforcing the foundation of Korean Environmental Policy and Administration and enhancing our nation's sustainability and beyond. This special issue will cover a wide range of topics related to the environment, including environmental policy, planning, environmental economics, sustainable development, climate change, nature, and urban environments. We invite review-based research on environmental policies, meta-analysis, and review studies of papers published in the Journal of Korea Environmental Policy and Administration. We hope the upcoming special issue will become a platform for exchanging rich experiences and knowledge.


Potential Topics and Research Disciplines

We are currently accepting preliminary applications (please see the attached form) from researchers to support studies on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to:


·         Urban Climate and Particulate matter (PM)

·         Climate Change and Carbon emission

·         Natural Environment

·         Ecosystems

·         Biodiversity

·         Land degradation

·         Disasters and Hazards

·         Environmental Restoration

·         Waste and Resource Recycling

·         Environmental Education

·         International Cooperation

·         ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

·         and any topics related to the environment


We encourage Ph.D. students, as well as established researchers, to make contributions. Selected applicants will receive a modest honorarium for their research.


Application Submission and Contact Information: kepas@naver.com


Call for Papers_환경정책.docx